Did you know that POM is the only pomegranate juice that controls its juice from tree to bottle? Bottle-to-bottle, batch-to-batch and year-to-year, POM Wonderful controls the entire process and quality!
We grow and hand-pick our very-own fruit. And we squeeze the "wonderful" pomegranates using proprietary pressing equipment that we designed ourselves. This stringent quality control process results in our, POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice with superior taste and a consistent dose of polyphenol antioxidants.
Unlike other brands, we don't buy juice from outside vendors, domestic or import. In fact, when we ran short of our own juice in 2006, we simply shipped fewer bottles of juice. We would rather make less money than destroy the integrity of our POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice that our consumers have come to trust.
...From the POM orchards to your home -enjoy in good health!